WEB.mil Guide

1.1.  Applicability.

a)      This Manual applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD Components”).

b)      Official DoD information online, DoD electronic messaging, and DoD electronic messaging services, including when used or operated by non-DoD-entities.

c)      Contractors and other non-DoD entities that are supporting DoD mission-related activities, including accessing official DoD information online, conducting DoD electronic messaging, or operating electronic messaging, and electronic messaging services, to the extent provided in the contract or other instrument by which such authorized support or access is provided.

d)      Does not apply to DoD Component public websites for penetration testing, communications security monitoring, defensive cyberspace operations, personnel misconduct and law enforcement investigations, and intelligence-related operations. Does not apply to information systems operated on behalf of the DoD but not used by DoD personnel. These activities remain subject to other legal and regulatory requirements such as records management.


1.2.  Policy.

a.  Reference (c) provides the overarching policy for this manual.


1.3.  Information Collections.

(Section applicable only if issuance prescribes a DoD internal information collection).  [Enter the formal information collection title], referred to in Paragraph [enter the appropriate paragraph citation(s) where the information collection is described or referred to in the issuance], has been assigned report control symbol [enter report control symbol] in accordance with the procedures in Volume 1 of DoD Manual 8910.01.  [The issuance mustn’t be signed before the report control symbol is provided in the information collection requirements paragraph.]

2.1.  DMA Director.

  1. Establish and manage the DoD WEB.mil Program.
  2. Maintain this manual.
  3. Maintain the DoD WEB.mil Guide at www.web.dma.mil/guide.


2.2. DoD Component Heads.

a. Ensure all DoD Public Websites comply with this manual.


2.3.  DoD Chief Data Officer and Chief Information Officer.

a. Coordinate with DMA on requirements for this manual.


2.4 ATSD(PA)

a. Operates and maintains the federal agency public website for the DoD at www.defense.gov.

b. Hosts and operates registration systems for the addresses of official public DoD Websites at https://www.defense.gov/Resources/Register-a-Site/.


This is a moderated forum. That means all comments will be reviewed before posting. In addition, we expect that participants will treat each other, as well as our agency and our employees, with respect. We will not post comments that contain abusive or vulgar language, spam, hate speech, personal attacks, violate hate speech laws or are offensive to other or similar content. Hate speech is any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, skin color, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity, disability, or national origin. We will not post comments that are spam, are clearly "off topic," promote services or products, infringe on copyright protected material, or contain any links that don’t contribute to the discussion. Comments that make unsupported accusations will also not be posted. The Department of Defense (DOD) organization operating this public platform alone will make a determination as to which comments comply with this policy and can be posted.

Any references to commercial entities, products, services, or other nongovernmental organizations or individuals that remain on the site are provided solely for the information of individuals using this page. These references are not intended to reflect the opinion of the DoD organization operating this public platform, Department of Defense, the United States Federal Government (USG), or its employees concerning the significance, priority, or importance to be given the referenced entity, product, service, or organization. Such references are not an official or personal endorsement of any product, person, or service, and may not be quoted or reproduced for the purpose of stating or implying DoD or USG endorsement or approval of any product, person, or service.

Any comments that report criminal activity including suicidal behavior or sexual assault will be reported to appropriate authorities.

Do not use this forum to:

* Report criminal activity. If you have information for law enforcement, please contact local military police or local civilian police agency.

* Submit unsolicited proposals, or other business ideas or inquiries. This site is not to be used for contracting or commercial business.

* Submit any claim, demand, informal or formal complaint, or any other form of legal and/or administrative notice or process, or for the exhaustion of any legal and/or administrative remedy.

The DoD organization operating this public platform does not guarantee or warrant that any information posted by individuals on this forum is correct, and disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. The DoD may not be able to verify, does not warrant or guarantee, and assumes no liability for anything posted on this website by any other person. The DoD organization operating this public platform does not endorse, support or otherwise promote any private or commercial entity or the information, products or services contained on those websites that may be reached through links on our website.

News media representatives are asked to address questions to the public affairs through their normal channels and to refrain from submitting questions here as comments. Reporter questions may be answered directly by the PAO.

We recognize that the web is a 24/7 medium, and your comments are welcome at any time. However, given the need to manage federal resources, moderating and posting of comments will occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Comments submitted after hours or on weekends will be read and posted as early as possible; in most cases, this means the next business day.

For the benefit of robust discussion, we ask that comments remain "on- topic." This means that comments will be posted only as they relate to the topic that is being discussed within the blog post. The views expressed on the site by non-federal commentators do not necessarily reflect the official views of the DoD or the USG.

To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personally identifiable information (PII), such as name, Social Security Number (SSN), DoD ID number, military police or civilian police case number, phone numbers or email addresses in the body of your comment. If you do voluntarily include PII information in your comment that comment may or may not be posted on the page. If your comment is posted, your PII will not be redacted or removed. You are responsible for protecting your PII. In no circumstances will comments be posted that contain SSNs, DoD ID numbers, military police or civilian police case numbers, addresses, email address or phone numbers. The default for the posting of comments is "anonymous", but if you opt not to, any information, including your login name, may be displayed on our site.

Thank you for taking the time to read this comment policy. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.



Submitted memorandum of understanding to Air Force Public Web is listed in

AFPIMS www.af.mil at: http://www.af.mil/publicwebsites/index.asp


Site is listed on www.af.mil at: http://www.af.mil/publicwebsites/index.asp


Site appropriate for the general public, content is suitable for global



Site has required FOIA page.


Section 508 Compliance Requirements


Site complies with U.S. Section 508.


A text equivalent for all non-text items is provided using alternative text tags.


Video files must have subtitles or a transcript. Sound files must have a



Link Problems


There are no inactive or broken links. Inactive or broken links must be

corrected or removed. Use this automatic link checker:


Site does not link to inappropriate, offensive sites or unrelated commercial



Links to non-government sites contain the appropriate disclaimer.


Site contains links to higher headquarters sites.


Site does not link to CAC-enabled, protected pages because those appear as a broken links to users outside the US government. Link to a visible log-in page is permitted.


Site includes a link to the Air Force’s official recruiting site

(http://www.airforce.com) and the Air Force Portal (http://www.my.af.mil).


No “under construction” notices. No blank pages.


Disclaimer is posted when linking to external sites.


A link to the information via the “security and privacy notice” link is



Privacy Protection


Site does not contain personal information on DoD personnel, to include,

personal email addresses, personal phone numbers, SSNs, and birthdates.


Site provides a feedback or request for further information mechanism (email

or form). Organizational/generic email addresses are used.


  Biographies will not reveal names, addresses, or other personally identifying

  information of family members of DoD or government employees or members.


  Directories, rosters, telephone listings indicate offices or organizations or duty

  titles of personnel only. No names. Names of flag/general officers, PA

  officers, or official command spokespersons may be published.

    Operational Security

  Site does not include locally produced maps or aerial photography of


  22.    Site does not contain confidential commercial or proprietary information.
  23.   Copyrighted material is only used with written permission from the owner.
  24.   Site does not encourage users to choose a specific browser.

  Every page: Any disclaimers or restrictions that apply to the contents

  of the page, link to organization homepage, privacy and security notice as

  required in this DoDI






Authority, mission, organization description

The Organization’s Postal address

 Organizational email   box(es)

Open Government



Information Quality Link


Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to report information quality concerns.

Plain Language Writing


Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to report information plain language concerns.




Hyperlinks Disclaimer

Template in DODI 8170.01


Privacy & Security Notice

Template in DODI 8170.01


Privacy Program Link


Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to report privacy concerns.

Transparency Banner

Template in DODI 8170.01


Strategic and Annual Performance Plans



“No Fear Act” Data

This specific label must link to summary statistical data about equal employment opportunity complaints filed with DoD or with the DoD Components and written notification of whistleblower rights and protections.

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to report EEO or No Fear Act concerns.


FOIA Requester Service Center page

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to file FOIA requests.



Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to report accessibility problems.

Small Business Office

A page with a description of the purpose and role of small business office.

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to reach the small business office.





Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to access formal and informal reporting options.

Suicide Resources

A page with a description of the available resources related to resiliency.

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to access duty officer.

Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program

A page with a description of the purpose and role of alternative dispute resolution office and the jurisdiction of that office.

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to ADR reporting options.

RSS Feeds

A page with a list of available RSS Feed topics and their links.


Inspector General

A page with a description of the purpose and role of the inspector general office and the jurisdiction of that office.

Contact information including phone number and/or organizational email to reach the IG.

Organizational Directory

A phone book of the unit’s key offices, phone numbers and organizational email addresses.

No individual names should be listed to protect privacy


Links to subordinate or senior units and organizations

Links to all official social media accounts

The WEB.mil Guide is constantly evolving to keep pace with the ever changing technological options. If you have a suggestion or input for future editions of this Guide, please submit your comments via our CONTACT FORM.